Corruption in Government Must STOP -
Obey the Constitution
Why is Obedience to the State and Federal Constitutions so Important?
Because Public Officers commit heinous criminal acts EVERY DAY
which they would NOT commit if they honored their oaths to obey the Constitutions
Public Officers swear an Oath, which they do not keep, to support the Constitutions.
Question: By what authority does a False swearing, perjuring Public Officer hold office?
Answer: NONE Whatsoever. There is no expiration date on their oath of office.
Attorneys commit crimes that are covered up other corrupt attorneys,
corrupt judges, and other public officers
Those who cover-up the crimes are more dishonest, corrupt, crooked, culpable, immoral, reprobate, decadent, degenerate, worthy of punishment, etc.,
than the original crime-committing attorney.
Serving in Public Office is a PRIVILEGE
Because it is a privilege for a man to be deemed to be of the highest moral character, exhibiting such honesty, integrity, and good faith that other men would trust such a man to protect their life, liberty, and property. A man who is unfaithful and breaches such a sacred Trust is of such moral turpitude as to have descended below the level of a baby-raper, for such a one has figuratively raped the unborn as well as those who already have been born.
Public Officers that do not act with the highest fidelity to the Constitutions they are required to support exhibit contempt and disrespect for the high calling of public office. Their corruption should NEVER be tolerated.
Because it is a privilege for a man to be deemed to be of the highest moral character, exhibiting such honesty, integrity, and good faith that other men would trust such a man to protect their life, liberty, and property. A man who is unfaithful and breaches such a sacred Trust is of such moral turpitude as to have descended below the level of a baby-raper, for such a one has figuratively raped the unborn as well as those who already have been born.
Public Officers that do not act with the highest fidelity to the Constitutions they are required to support exhibit contempt and disrespect for the high calling of public office. Their corruption should NEVER be tolerated.
Corrupt Judges, Corrupt District Attorneys, and Fellow Travelers
When judges and prosecutors, to whom the people naively look for "justice", DEFY the very Constitutions they are required to support, they are without excuse. They can't say, "the devil made me do it", because they themselves are the very embodiment of evil. Yes, evil is alive and well, and running rampant right now. And anyone who has had any dealings with the "Just-us" system, the "Good Old Boys" attorneys' guild, knows that is true. Just ask Gerry Spence, arguably the best lawyer in the history of America:
Gerry Spence - An Honest Lawyer
Gerry Spence, born, reared and educated in Wyoming, is best known as an undefeated trial lawyer and a rugged individualist whose public pronouncements ring with the authority of common sense and moral vision. He graduated cum laude from the University of Wyoming Law School in 1952, and has spent his lifetime representing the poor, the injured, the forgotten and the damned against what he calls “the new slave master,” a combine of mammoth corporations and gargantuan government. Gerry never lost a criminal case, and he has not lost a civil case since 1969.
Introducing (drum roll and circus parade music): Andrew T. Gonring, d/b/a -"judge?"
Warning and Notice to Readers:
At the founding of the united States of America, most people knew the calling to Public Service was a noble calling. Men served with honor, then returned to private life. The OFFICE men served in was then, and is now, to be honored.
While the OFFICE must be respected and held in high regard, the Occupant of the office should be given only the respect that he earns. Andrew T. Gonring has earned both contempt and ridicule by perjuring himself on the record. Presenting:
In 2007, "MT" Gonring perjured himself by refusing, on the record, to honor his Oath to support the Constitutions. This may have been the first documented case in Wisconsin history of a "judge" openly, arrogantly, flauntingly acting in rebellion to the Constitution and committing perjury of his oath. Maybe the first in America that is self-accusatory?
In 2007, shortly after getting out of prison, Magritz filed a motion to vacate the void "default" judgment obtained by Shyster Kenealy with the help of co-conspirators of The Ozaukee County MOB, the 2001-2002 Quislings, which led to the violent SWAT Team attack and illegal taking of the Magritz property, at gunpoint, by the local Revenue Agent, the Lawless Sheriff named "Maury" Straub.
Prior to what was supposed to be a "hearing", Magritz attempted to file an affidavit in support of his motion, but the clerk refused to take it, pursuant to "orders from the judge". THAT is obstruction of justice. The transcript shows, "MT" Gonring also refused to allow Magritz to file the affidavit during the "hearing". Actually, "MT" Gonring planned to just read his script, deny Magritz a hearing, deny the Magritz motions, and then run out the back door. He accomplished his last goal because he disappeared faster than a magician's rabbit after hurling a curse at Magritz.
Prior to what was supposed to be a "hearing", Magritz attempted to file an affidavit in support of his motion, but the clerk refused to take it, pursuant to "orders from the judge". THAT is obstruction of justice. The transcript shows, "MT" Gonring also refused to allow Magritz to file the affidavit during the "hearing". Actually, "MT" Gonring planned to just read his script, deny Magritz a hearing, deny the Magritz motions, and then run out the back door. He accomplished his last goal because he disappeared faster than a magician's rabbit after hurling a curse at Magritz.
At the very beginning of the "hearing", Magritz swore himself in under penalty of perjury so that his every utterance would be legally admissible as evidence. Two of the dishonest, oath perjuring Ozaukee County public officers were at the table for the opposing counsel. They were Ozaukee County Corporation Counsel Dennis E. Kenealy and Treasurer Karen L. Makoutz, both of whom were accused of crimes against Magritz. These accusations were made in front of "MT" Gonring, who assented to the crimes. The accusations were not rebutted by either Kenealy or Makoutz, both of whom HAD A DUTY to rebut the Magritz accusations if they could. But they remained silent, thus admitting their guilt on the record.
"MT" read his script, denying the first three motions, which are set forth below. When "MT" perjured his Oath by denying the motion requiring him to uphold Constitutionally secured rights, Magritz disqualified him. That's when the ro-bo cops with the guns threateningly closed in on Magritz, waiting for "MT" to give the "signal" to pounce. But listen to the exchange yourself.
Sounds like "MT" is following right down the same path as those corrupt, dishonest, perjuring, false swearing attorneys, judges, and other Public Officers that Investigative Reporter Gene Forte from radio station KRLA in Los Angeles exposed when investigating "The Magritz Story". Some of Forte's reports and broadcasts are set forth on the Investigative Reports Summaries + audio page, while portions of some broadcasts were transcribed and set forth on the Investigative Reports Transcripts + audio page.
The first three motions referred to at the beginning of the "hearing" are set forth below, as is the transcript. Magritz paid valuable consideration for the transcript, which contained numerous "errors" and omissions, some of which were significant. When Magritz praeciped the Court Reporter to make the corrections, she refused. She stated that "MT", the disqualified "judge", would have to approve them. So much for an honest, "independent" Court Reporter. Now we know who told you to make those "errors" and omissions, don't we, Tamara A. Hardy? Following the transcript below is a copy of "MT's" current oath. On paper "MT" swears to support the Constitutions, but when requested to do so publicly, on the record, he refuses. Another dishonest, false swearing, perjuring Public Officer acting in Breach of his Fiduciary Duty.
After Magritz disqualified "MT" for insurrection and sedition against the Constitution, he filed his affidavit, an Amended Motion To Vacate A Void Judgment, and the motions "MT" had "denied". A new judge named James K. Muehlbauer was "appointed". Muehlbauer didn't allow Magritz a hearing, ignored his motions, and rubber-stamped the void judgment. Animal Farm.
Here are the Motions "judge" Andrew T. "MT head" Gonring denied - on the record
STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT OZAUKEE COUNTY __________________________________________________________________________________
In the Matter of the Foreclosure of Tax Liens under §75.521, Wisconsin Statutes, by Case No. 01-CV-58-B3 Ozaukee County, List of Tax Liens For 1997, No. 24 __________________________________________________________________________________ MOTION FOR COURT TO ISSUE SUBPOENA DUCES TECUM AND COMPEL TESTIMONY AT NOVEMBER 5, 2007 HEARING __________________________________________________________________________________ 1. I, Steven Alan Magritz, Petitioner / Movant herein, petitions this Court under authority of Article I, Section 9, of the Constitution of The state of Wisconsin regarding remedy for wrongs, as well as Article in Amendment the Fifth of the Bill of Rights guaranteeing due process of law, to issue subpoena duces tecum for materials held by, under the control of, or secreted by, and to compel appearance and to give testimony at the hearing in the above-captioned matter scheduled for November 5, 2007, as well as any continuance thereof, to the following persons set forth herein-below: 2. Karen L. Makoutz - all notes, letters, emails, writings, correspondence, or tender(s) of payment to and/or from Steven Alan Magritz, or to other persons with respect to Steven Alan Magritz, by whatever name addressed, (e.g., Steven A. Magritz). 3. Dennis E. Kenealy - all notes, letters, emails, writings, correspondence, or tender(s) of payment to and/or from Steven Alan Magritz, or to other persons with respect to Steven Alan Magritz, by whatever name addressed, (e.g., Steven A. Magritz). 4. Jeffrey S. Schmidt - a certified copy of the “record sheet” or “docket sheet,” by whatever name called, of the record in the above-captioned matter wherein all documents received by the Court are required to be entered indicating the type of document as well as the time and date received by the court, as well as all notes, letters, emails, writings, correspondence, to and/or from Steven Alan Magritz, or to other persons with respect to Steven Alan Magritz, by whatever name addressed, (e.g., Steven A. Magritz). 5. Michael J, Riebe - all notes, letters, emails, writings, correspondence, to and/or from Steven Alan Magritz, or to other persons with respect to Steven Alan Magritz, by whatever name addressed, (e.g., Steven A. Magritz). Dated this _____ day of October, 2007. Sincerely, Steven Alan Magritz, sui juris CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, the undersigned, certify that I have mailed via postage-paid, United States mail, a copy of this motion from Steven Alan Magritz to the public business corporation named OZAUKEE COUNTY, c/o Mary Marchese, county clerk, for corporation attorney Dennis E. Kenealy, 121 W. Main Street, Port Washington, Wisconsin 53074 on this _______ day of ______________, 2007. Mailed at: ________________________________. ________________________
STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT OZAUKEE COUNTY __________________________________________________________________________________
In the Matter of the Foreclosure of Tax Liens under §75.521, Wisconsin Statutes, by Case No. 01-CV-58-B3 Ozaukee County, List of Tax Liens For 1997, No. 24 __________________________________________________________________________________ MOTION TO CLAIM AND EXERCISE CONSTITUTIONALLY SECURED RIGHTS and REQUIRE THE PRESIDING JUDGE TO RULE UPON THIS MOTION, and ALL PUBLIC OFFICERS OF THIS COURT TO UPHOLD SAID RIGHTS ________________________________________________________________________ COMES NOW Steven Alan Magritz, Movant, and moves the court, without accepting the jurisdiction of the court, pursuant to oaths sworn by the presiding judge and the attending public officers: 1. To acknowledge and act in accordance with a United States Federal Court ruling, to wit: “The claim and exercise of a Constitutional Right cannot be converted into a crime.” Miller v. U.S. 230 F, 2d 286, 489; 2. To honor, uphold and abide by the oaths taken by the presiding judge and attending court officers, pursuant to the Constitution of the United States of America, Article VI, Clauses 2 and 3, and the Constitution of the Republic of Wisconsin, Article IV, Section 28, in this matter; 3. To provide due process of law, pursuant to the First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Ninth and Fourteenth Amendments of the Constitution of the United States of America, and pursuant to Article I, Sections 1, 3, 4, 5, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17 and 22 of the Constitution of the Republic of Wisconsin, and as required by the aforementioned oaths taken by the presiding judge and attending court officers, in this matter; 4. To provide equal protection under the law, as required by the National and state Constitutions and pursuant to the referenced oaths; 5. To respect, protect and uphold the Rights of Steven Alan Magritz, an American Citizen, in this matter, which Rights are guaranteed in the National and state Constitutions, pursuant to referenced oaths; 6. To acknowledge and uphold the Constitution of the United States of America as the Supreme Law of this court, in this matter, pursuant to the mandate, in Article VI, Section Two, of the Constitution of the United States of America, that the National Constitution is the Supreme Law of Wisconsin; 7. To acknowledge and so rule that any court and/or judge which denies a Citizen to present evidence in any hearing or trial in total support of his position, which evidence had previously been sent to Plaintiff and is unrebutted by Plaintiff and counsel, is perjury of oath and denial of due process of law. Since neither Plaintiff nor counsel rebut this evidence, then, there was and is no dispute, and since there was and is no dispute, there was and is no controversy, and since there was and is no controversy, all prior proceedings must be declared void ab initio; 8. To acknowledge and so rule that this court and no other court and no judge in Wisconsin has jurisdiction over or can issue a court order against an American Citizen or his private property if that court and/or judge: (a) do not provide due process of law; (b) do not provide equal protection under the law; (c) do not respect and uphold the Constitutionally Secured Rights of American Citizens, and in the instant action, the Rights of Steven Alan Magritz, an American Citizen, pursuant to the Rights guaranteed in the Constitutions of the United States of America and the Republic of Wisconsin; (d) act with sufficient force so as to deny the powers of the National and state Constitutions. Wherefore Movant Steven Alan Magritz respectfully moves this court to grant this Motion for the aforesaid reasons. Respectfully submitted, All Rights Reserved Steven Alan Magritz, sui juris, American Citizen CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, the undersigned, certify that I have mailed via postage-paid, United States mail, a copy of this Judicial Notice from Steven Alan Magritz to the public business corporation named OZAUKEE COUNTY, c/o Mary Marchese, county clerk, for corporation attorney Dennis E. Kenealy, 121 W. Main Street, Port Washington, Wisconsin 53074 on this _______ day of _______, 2007. Mailed at: _______________.
Here is the transcript:
"MT" says "I'm telling you what we are doing." Wrong, "MT". You had your script on how you were going to do BOHICA on Magritz. Did it go as you had planned, "MT"?
"MT" says "Don't interrupt me". I've got my lines to read. People should spend some time in courtrooms watching these clowns. You don't have to go to the cinema. It is all an act. They are reading canned lines. Some of these guys would really be entertaining, except for the fact they are using men and their labor as merchandise. Re. 18:13. A really sharp attorney can educate guys like "MT", but their fees are not affordable for the vast majority of Americans. |
Can you believe what this clown in the gown says here? He says, "You sat on it for six years." What a jackass. This clown knows very well that it was his good "Buddy", "Dirty Jim" Doyle, who tried to put Magritz away for life as revenge, and that Magritz "sat" in prison for the previous 5 years compliments of "Dirty Jim". You are one clown short of a 3 ring circus, "MT". |
Hey "MT". Tell the class the name of YOUR "coven" or "lodge" or "group" or "club" or "association" whose members might hurl the curse you did, below. The Ozaukee Presstitutes and Shyster Kenealy falsely accused Magritz of being in some "group", which they couldn't name. What's your flavor? And don't lie. |
"MT's" current oath on file. Would you believe he swears to uphold the Constitutions, and then, from the bench, on the record, denies his sworn oath and duty? What a Quisling.
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