Corruption in Government Must STOP -
Obey the Constitution
Why is Obedience to the State and Federal Constitutions so Important?
Because Public Officers commit heinous criminal acts EVERY DAY
which they would NOT commit if they honored their oaths to obey the Constitutions
Attorneys commit crimes that are covered up other attorneys,
judges, and other public officers
Those who cover-up the crimes are more dishonest, corrupt, crooked, culpable, immoral, reprobate, decadent, degenerate, worthy of punishment, etc.,
than the original crime-committing attorney.
Serving in Public Office is a PRIVILEGE
Because it is a privilege for a man to be deemed to be of the highest moral character, exhibiting such honesty, integrity, and good faith that other men would trust such a man to protect their life, liberty, and property. A man who is unfaithful and breaches such a sacred Trust is of such moral turpitude as to have descended below the level of a baby-raper, for such a one has figuratively raped the unborn as well as those who already have been born.
Public Officers that do not act with the highest fidelity to the Constitutions they are required to support exhibit contempt and disrespect for the high calling of public office.
Because it is a privilege for a man to be deemed to be of the highest moral character, exhibiting such honesty, integrity, and good faith that other men would trust such a man to protect their life, liberty, and property. A man who is unfaithful and breaches such a sacred Trust is of such moral turpitude as to have descended below the level of a baby-raper, for such a one has figuratively raped the unborn as well as those who already have been born.
Public Officers that do not act with the highest fidelity to the Constitutions they are required to support exhibit contempt and disrespect for the high calling of public office.
Here are copies evidencing the Magritz Answer was timely mailed via Registered mail, was properly time and date stamped, likely by a deputy clerk of the court, BUT, NEVER entered by the Clerk of the Court, Jeffrey S. Schmidt, on the Docket Sheet. |
This first document is a copy of the "Green cards" showing the Answer was mailed Registered mail to the Clerk of Court, and Certified mail to the Treasurer.
This next court certified document shows the mailing envelope of the Answer, time and date stamped May 31, along with the Proof of Service by the third party mailer indicating what documents were enclosed constituting the Answer as well as certified documents from the public record of which the court was instructed to take Mandatory Judicial Notice. A certified copy of the first page of every document filed was obtained.
Look closely at this Docket Sheet.
First notice that it was certified by the clerk of court from the court records on August 7, 2002, a year after the "default" judgment. Magritz had been arrested May 20, 2002, and was sitting in the Dane County Jail awaiting trial.
Secondly, Notice that the Answer received on May 31, 2001 is not recorded on the docket sheet. The issue was not set for trial as REQUIRED by statute. Thus, a phony "Default" judgment was issued.
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