Corruption in Government Must STOP -
Obey the Constitution
Exhibit O, Memorandum of Law
This Memorandum of Law speaks for itself. At the time it was first made public it was, and perhaps still is, the most comprehensive Memorandum of Law available on Breach of Fiduciary Duty by Public Officers.
It is a tool. It can be used to help restore Liberty, not license, to the land. As time permits, the cases cited herein will be posted on this site. Some are already available on WordPress and other sources. Return to Table of Contents page Return to "800 Lb Gorilla" Lawsuit for Breach of Fiduciary Duty main page Return to List of Documents |
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Go to Lawless Sheriff Maurice A. "Maury" Straub page
Go to independent Investigative Reporter Gene Forte main page
Go to Shyster attorney Dennis E. Kenealy resigns page
Go to corrupt judges and DA & Fellow Travelers page
Go to The Ozaukee MOB home page,
Go to Public Officer Quislings and Traitors main page
Go to Lawless Sheriff Maurice A. "Maury" Straub page
Go to independent Investigative Reporter Gene Forte main page
Go to Shyster attorney Dennis E. Kenealy resigns page
Go to corrupt judges and DA & Fellow Travelers page
Go to the Prologue page for a timeline and summary description of what this website is about
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Go to The Ozaukee MOB home page,
Go to Public Officer Quislings and Traitors main page
Go to Lawless Sheriff Maurice A. "Maury" Straub page
Go to independent Investigative Reporter Gene Forte main page
Go to the "800 Lb Gorilla" Lawsuit for Breach of Fiduciary Duty main page
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Go to The Ozaukee MOB home page,
Go to Public Officer Quislings and Traitors main page
Go to Lawless Sheriff Maurice A. "Maury" Straub page
Go to independent Investigative Reporter Gene Forte main page
Go to the "800 Lb Gorilla" Lawsuit for Breach of Fiduciary Duty main page