Corruption in Government Must STOP -
Obey the Constitution
Why is Obedience to the State and Federal Constitutions so Important?
Because Public Officers commit heinous criminal acts EVERY DAY
which they would NOT commit if they honored their oaths to obey the Constitutions
Attorneys commit crimes that are covered up other attorneys,
judges, and other public officers
Those who cover-up the crimes are more dishonest, corrupt, crooked, culpable, immoral, reprobate, decadent, degenerate, worthy of punishment, etc.,
than the original crime-committing attorney.
Serving in Public Office is a PRIVILEGE
Because it is a privilege for a man to be deemed to be of the highest moral character, exhibiting such honesty, integrity, and good faith that other men would trust such a man to protect their life, liberty, and property. A man who is unfaithful and breaches such a sacred Trust is of such moral turpitude as to have descended below the level of a baby-raper, for such a one has figuratively raped the unborn as well as those who already have been born.
Public Officers that do not act with the highest fidelity to the Constitutions they are required to support exhibit contempt and disrespect for the high calling of public office.
Because it is a privilege for a man to be deemed to be of the highest moral character, exhibiting such honesty, integrity, and good faith that other men would trust such a man to protect their life, liberty, and property. A man who is unfaithful and breaches such a sacred Trust is of such moral turpitude as to have descended below the level of a baby-raper, for such a one has figuratively raped the unborn as well as those who already have been born.
Public Officers that do not act with the highest fidelity to the Constitutions they are required to support exhibit contempt and disrespect for the high calling of public office.
The American Justice System is a "Just - Us" System designed to Maintain Power
In the Hands of Corrupt Judges, Corrupt Attorneys, & Corrupt Public Officers
who, themselves being self-deluded little "gods", Are "Pawns In The Game"
When judges and prosecutors, to whom the people naively look for "justice", DEFY the very Constitutions they are required to support, they are without excuse. They can't say, "the devil made me do it", because they themselves are the very embodiment of evil. Yes, evil is alive and well, and running rampant right now. And anyone who has had any dealings with the "Just-us" system, the "Good Old Boys" attorneys’ guild, knows that is true. Just ask Gerry Spence, arguably the best lawyer in the history of America:
Gerry Spence, born, reared and educated in Wyoming, is best known as an undefeated trial lawyer and a rugged individualist whose public pronouncements ring with the authority of common sense and moral vision. He graduated cum laude from the University of Wyoming Law School in 1952, and has spent his lifetime representing the poor, the injured, the forgotten and the damned against what he calls “the new slave master,” a combine of mammoth corporations and gargantuan government. Gerry never lost a criminal case, and he has not lost a civil case since 1969.
Go to the Prologue page for a timeline and summary description of what this website is about
Go to The Ozaukee County MOB home page,
Go to Lawless Sheriff Maurice A. "Maury" Straub page
Go to Public Officer Quislings and Traitors main page
Go to independent Investigative Reporter Gene Forte main page
Go to the "800 Lb Gorilla" lawsuit for Breach of Fiduciary Duty main page.
Go to The Ozaukee County MOB home page,
Go to Lawless Sheriff Maurice A. "Maury" Straub page
Go to Public Officer Quislings and Traitors main page
Go to independent Investigative Reporter Gene Forte main page
Go to the "800 Lb Gorilla" lawsuit for Breach of Fiduciary Duty main page.